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ICPD+5 for the Arab Countries 1998 Arabic ÚÑÈí

By God’s Providence, when I was surfing the net I pass through a very important site, See what they are doing:


The International Conference on Population and Development ICPD+5

The UN in the 1998 held in Beirut The International Conference on Population and Development five years after it was held in Cairo in 1994 (ICPD+5 for the Arab Country). After the Cairo conference Lebanon became a country that exporting the

UN culture to legalize and promote artificial contraception and Abortion even though Abortion still illegal in the Arabs country, it is available secretly in a large Number in Lebanon for example. At the conference The UN called upon the Children in the Arabs country to be sexually active at the age of 10, And the access to Contraception and Abortion under the these Code words:

  1. Family planning services
  2. The care for the mother and the Child
  3. Sexual and reproductive Heath
  4. Family planning

The verbal engineers do not use the word Abortion, for the rejection of Abortion in the public arena as a killing method, especially in the conservative east (Arabs Countries) where did not legalized abortion yet. The packager of the term, use a positive term like family planning, reproductive Heath… and alike, all of these terms are code words to implement the culture of death.

The Lebanese Family planning society met in 1974 and started asking the Government to legalize artificial contraception.

The world health organization define the period of adolescent between 10-19 years old and the youth between 10 and 24 years old .

what does it mean reproductive Heath In eyes of the UN?

… It is important to help the adolescent to pass this stage of life through giving them the scientific information and the health rules with the opposite sex in order to avoid the experience of the sexual activity irresponsibly, and getting infected with sexual disease, health and psychological problems


Health and sexual problems are the code words for contraception… and the promotion of sexual promiscuity for the adolescent.

The most important UN conferences which called for the use of contraception and Abortion are :

  1. Tehran Conference 1968
  2. Bucharest 1974
  3. Mexico City 1984
  4. The Cairo Conference on Population and Developments 1994
  5. The Fourth Conference for Women Beijing 1995
  • Some the most important organizations that promote Abortion in Lebanon are:

    1. Family planning society in Lebanon
    2. The Lebanese Feminist Council
    3. and more

    The Holy See representative at ICPD+5 for the Arab countries

    Monseigneur Mounged El-Hachem
    Evêque Maronite de Baalbeck et Deir El-Ahmar
    Tel: 03-742600
    Fax: 09-900002 .

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