
St Charbel Pro-Vie مار شربل للحياة

Notre mission est d'aimer l'enfant dans l'utérus

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St Charbel Pour Vie

USA: L'auteur de la célèbre photo d'un foetus saisissant la main du docteur offre son cliché aux "pro-vie"

During a procedure to correct spina bifida while still in the womb, Samuel Alexander Armas, a fetus at twenty-one weeks, reached out. As Dr. Joseph P. Bruner reached and gently lifted the hand, Samuel reacted and squeezed tightly.

During a procedure to correct spina bifida while still in the womb, Samuel Alexander Armas, a fetus at twenty-one weeks, reached out. As Dr. Joseph P. Bruner reached and gently lifted the hand, Samuel reacted and squeezed tightly.

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