Powerful address presents warnings of dire consequences of death culture

VATICAN, January 13, 2003 (LifeSiteNews.com) - In his 'state of the world' address to the Vatican diplomatic corps today, Pope John Paul II reflected on the main woes of the world - the culture of death, poverty and war. "If entire peoples, perhaps even humanity itself, are not to sink into the abyss," the pope said certain requirements must be met. "First, a "YES TO LIFE"! Respect life itself and individual lives: everything starts here, for the most fundamental of human rights is certainly the right to life."

"Abortion, euthanasia, human cloning, for example, risk reducing the human person to a mere object: life and death to order, as it were! When all moral criteria are removed, scientific research involving the sources of life becomes a denial of the being and the dignity of the person," the Pope continued. He also insisted on an end to selfishness which sustains poverty and implored nations to say 'no to war.'

The Pope said that "choices need to be made so that humanity can still have a future." Thus encouraging "the peoples of the earth and their leaders" to have the courage to say 'No'. First on the list of No's was: "'NO TO DEATH'! That is to say, no to all that attacks the incomparable dignity of every human being, beginning with that of unborn children. If life is truly a treasure, we need to be able to preserve it and to make it bear fruit without distorting it. 'No' to all that weakens the family, the basic cell of society. 'No' to all that destroys in children the sense of striving, their respect for themselves and others, the sense of service".
To see the full address see the Vatican website at:
http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/john_paul_ii/speeches/2003/january/documents/hf_jp- ii_spe_20030113_diplomatic-corps_en.html

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