Pope Warns Against Globalization's Attempts to Impose Family
Planning And Reproductive Health Measures
VATICAN, June 3, 2003 (LifeSiteNews.com)
- Pope John Paul today received 28 Latin Rite prelates of India, and
urged them to fight the culture of death. The Pope warned that
challenges brought by "globalization" include "attempts to impose upon
Asian society morally unacceptable types of family planning and
reproductive health measures."
"Brother Bishops, I encourage you to remain vigilant in your efforts
to preach fearlessly the consistent teaching of the Church regarding
the inviolable right to life of every innocent human being. Concerted
efforts to curb the culture of death necessitate the involvement of
the entire Catholic community. Accordingly, any strategy in this
regard must include individuals, families, movements and associations
committed to building a society in which the dignity of each person is
recognized and protected and the lives of all are defended and
enhanced," said the Pope.
The Pope blamed "an incorrect understanding of the moral law" for
leading "many people to justify immoral sexual activity under the
guise of freedom, which in turn has resulted in a commonplace
acceptance of the contraceptive mentality." He continued, "The
consequences of such irresponsible activity not only threaten the
institution of the family but also contribute to the spread of
HIV/AIDS, which is reaching epidemic proportions in parts of your
See the full address of the Pope at:
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